2023-08-18 10:26:04來源:勵普網
The wallpaper in our bedroom has a pattern of orchids
我們臥室的壁紙是蘭花圖案的。The often enlarged petal of an orchid flower.
唇瓣通常增大了的蘭花花瓣Wild flower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare.
蘭花和報春花之類的野花越來越少了。Many orchids have resupinate flowers.
許多種蘭花都有倒垂的花朵。Percy"s enchantment with orchids dates back to 1951.
珀西對蘭花的癡迷可以回溯到1951年。Her artificial world was redolent of orchids and pleasant, cheerful snobbery
她那人為的世界充滿了蘭花,愉快的勢力風尚。He signed checks with the air of a gardener who is growing a wondrous orchid.
他簽支票的神氣,就象一個栽培奇妙蘭花的園丁一般。North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals.
北美洲的一種蘭花,葉單生,花具有絲狀反析花瓣。 A mass of coherent pollen grains,found in the flowers of orchids and milkweeds.
花粉塊由有粘性的花粉粒形成的塊,常見于蘭花和馬利筋花中Take the flowers of lily of the valley and distil them in sack, and drink a spoonful or two as there is occasion.
n. [植]蘭,蘭花
n. 蘭花;淡紫色
Wild flower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare.
蘭花和報春花之類的野花越來越少了。So you will paint my house wild orchid?
你會把我家刷成淡紫色么?Percy"s enchantment with orchids dates back to 1951.
珀西對蘭花的癡迷可以回溯到1951年。The orchid in spring and the chrysanthemum in autumn were chanted by many ancient poets.
春蘭秋菊是許多古代詩人歌詠的對象。He signed checks with the air of a gardener who is growing a wondrous orchid.
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