2023-05-31 09:05:26來源:勵普網
suburban district
A suburban street,shop,newspaper
郊區的街道、商店、報紙.Disneyland is in the suburbs of Los Angeles.
狄斯耐樂園位于洛杉磯的郊區。To bring about the redistribution of(an urban population and industry)to suburban areas.
人口疏散把(城市人口和工業)疏散分布至郊區"a city of eastern Missouri, an industrial suburb of St. Louis. "
伯克利:美國密蘇里州東部一城市,圣·路易絲的工業郊區。His ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb.
他的耳朵對倫敦郊區的語音仍然一聽就能辨別。It was indeed a quaint notion that under Mrs. Thatcher the Troy Party would only appeal to the suburban south-east
那種認為在撒切爾夫人的領導下,保守黨就只能對東南部郊區有號召力的看法真是莫名其妙。Things can go wrong on a big scale as a number of people recently discovered in Parramatta, a suburb of Sydney.
正如悉尼郊區帕拉馬塔的許多人較近發現的那樣,事情出岔子的規模可能很大。Secondly, Reagan was hugely popular with suburban Republican conservatives and business leaders
第二,里根在那些住在郊區家道殷實的共和黨保守派與商界領導人當中很受歡迎,A town of eastern Massachusetts, a residential suburb of Boston. Population, 33,284.
沃特敦美國馬薩諸塞州東部一鎮,波士頓的居住郊區。人口33,284In most suburban areas, only 20 birds hatch per hectare a year, so the cats take most of the population
adj. 郊區的;土氣的;見聞不廣的
n. 郊區居民
His clothes are conservative and suburban.
他衣著保守而傳統。A suburban street,shop,newspaper
郊區的街道、商店、報紙.Suburbans are ready to raise their own livestock.
n. 選舉區;行政區;地區,區域
The custom still obtains in districts.
這種風俗在某些地區仍然流行。They are residents of the same electoral district.
他們是同一個選區的居民。They have demolished the slum district.
n. 市郊
In the outskirt, there is a very big lake.
在郊區,有一個非常大的湖。Heathrow Airport is on the outskirts of London.
希斯羅機場在倫敦郊區。In the outskirts are places for horse trekking and golf
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