發布時間:2022-03-09 15:52:39來源:勵普教育
不同 [bù tóng]
n. imparity
adj. different
找不同 Spot the difference ; Can you Tell the Difference
不同于 other than ; be different from ; other from ; differ
創造不同 Make a difference ; Making A Difference
不同點 Differences ; different thing ; Different points ; Point of Difference
意見不同 disagreement ; disagree ; dissension ; dissidence
不同種類 different kinds of ; a variety of ; kinds of ; different types
還有不同 Uncommon wealth
種類不同 distinct from
制造不同 make a difference
not alike; different; distinct; diverse; imparity; diversity:
people with dissimilar hobbies;
may be classified by the component departments;
to varying degrees;
things similar in form but distinct in kind;
two distinct revolutionary stages
不同能力傾向測驗 differential aptitude test;
不同纖維交織物 orthomixture;
不同軸度測量 non-coaxial measurement
This item belongs under a different heading. 《21世紀大英漢詞典》
Don't lump all these different problems together. 《21世紀大英漢詞典》
They rearranged the books of the library in a completely different way. 《21世紀大英漢詞典》
“不同”是個多義詞,它可以指不同(同名電影), 不同(伍思凱歌曲專輯), 不同(歌曲名稱), 不同(漢語詞語)。
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