發布時間:2022-03-18 10:42:27來源:勵普教育
try的意思是試圖,努力; 實驗; 審判; 考驗;那么try的用法有哪些?你了解嗎,想了解的小伙伴就跟隨小編一起來具體看看吧。
做名詞常用詞組是have a try,“試一試”.
做動詞的用法有兩個:1、try doing sth.嘗試做某事(過程不難,強調結果)
eg.Nobody answers the front door.Let's try knocking the back door.
2、try to do sth.努力嘗試做某事(強調努力嘗試的過程,成功與否不知)
eg.Let's try to work out this maths problem.
vt. 試圖,努力;試驗;審判;考驗
vi. 嘗試;努力;試驗
n. 嘗試;努力;試驗
The Difference between “Try to do” and “Try doing”
Hi there. I've got some troubles comprehending that. My grammar book says: try to do = attempt to do, make an effort, try doing =do something as an experiment or test.
I tried to keep my eyes open.
The car did not seem to be working, so I tried checking engine but in vain.
What's the difference between them? For me the difference between "do an experiment" and "to attempt to do" is rather vague. Could anyone explain me that? Thanks in advance.
When youIt may be difficult, so you may have to expend energy in the attempt to do it. When you try to do something, you may succeed, or you may fail.
I tried to lift the heavy box.
I tried to find my lost keys.
I tried to see over the fence by standing on tiptoe.
I tried to touch the ceiling by jumping as high as I could.
I tried to open the package without tearing the beautiful gift wrap.
will happen when you do it. When you try doing something, you succeed. Your purpose was not to see if you would succeed or fail, but to see if your doing it advanced your cause, helped you to make some progress, or solved your problem. When you try doing something, you are trying to solve a problem.
The door was stuck shut, so I tried shaking the doorknob (to see if that would open it).
The door was still stuck shut, so I tried hitting it with a hammer (to see if that would open it).
The door was still stuck shut, so I tried prying it open with a crowbar (to see if that would open it).
The paper was on fire, so I tried smothering the flames with a blanket. The paper was still on fire, so I tried pouring water on it.
-- The TV isn't working.
-- Try plugging it in!!!
-- The boss is being mean. -- Try smiling at him more.
-- This coffee is too hot.
-- Try putting some ice in it.
Note the difference:
The policeman tried to catch the thief by running after him.
To catch the thief the policeman tried running after him.
try to do意思是“努力去做某事”“盡力干……”,表示想盡一切辦法要把事情辦成; try doing意思是“嘗試著干某事”“試著(用什么方法)去做某事”,表示一種試著、做做看的做法。試比較:
I'm trying to learn English well.我決心(盡力)學好英語。
I tried knocking at the back door,but nobody answered.我試著敲了敲后門,但沒人回答。
like doing sth.“喜歡做”,說明一種通常情況,一般指習慣愛好;
like to do sth.“喜歡去做某事”,表示一種具體行為。
go on doing sth.意為“繼續干原來的事”,
go on to do sth.意為“(做完某事)接著去做另一件事”。
另外,如stop doing,stop to do;forget doing,forget to do;remember doing,remember to do等都需要在平時學習時加以區分。
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