發布時間:2022-06-27 16:43:06來源:勵普網
1. So many things are unsafe these days—milk, cranberry sauce, what have you.
2. Every inn had a picturesque name — the Black Locust Inn, the Blueberry Inn.
3. I"ll be back before you can say blueberry pie.
4. Add whatever berries you may have - cherries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, etc.
隨便加入一些你有的漿果 —— 櫻桃 、 藍莓 、 黑莓 、 葡萄等.
5. Which one would you like. strawberry sauce or blueberry sauce?
草莓醬. 藍莓醬.您選哪一種?
6. Jack and Jill eat many kinds of food, but they like blueberry.
杰克和吉爾吃很多種類的食物, 但他們喜歡藍莓.
7. That prompted the launch of other products, such as blueberry - flavored chewing gum.
這也推動了其他藍莓產品的推出, 比如藍莓味的口香糖.
8. A blueberry pancake, corn flakes, and a glass of orange juice.
藍莓松餅 、 玉米片和一杯橙汁.
9. Actually blueberry is not a power food but an antioxidant powerhouse.
10. In food preparation , dried blueberries were added to stews, soups and meats.
干的被除去水分的藍莓可放在燉煮的菜里, 湯里或肉類里.
1. So many things are unsafe these days—milk, cranberry sauce, what have you. 現如今很多食品都不安全——牛奶、藍莓醬等等。
2. Every inn had a picturesque name — the Black Locust Inn, the Blueberry Inn. 每個旅館都有一個別致的名字,如“洋槐樹旅館”、“藍莓旅館”。
3. I"ll be back before you can say blueberry pie. 你藍莓餡餅幾個字還沒說完我就會回來了.
4. Add whatever berries you may have - cherries, blueberries, blackberries,grapes, etc. 隨便加入一些你有的漿果 —— 櫻桃 、 藍莓 、 黑莓 、 葡萄等.
5. Which one would you like. strawberry sauce or blueberry sauce? 草莓醬. 藍莓醬.您選哪一種?
6. Jack and Jill eat many kinds of food, but they like blueberry. 杰克和吉爾吃很多種類的食物, 但他們喜歡藍莓.
7. That prompted the launch of other products, such as blueberry - flavoredchewing gum. 這也推動了其他藍莓產品的推出, 比如藍莓味的口香糖.
8. A blueberry pancake, corn flakes, and a glass of orange juice. 藍莓松餅 、 玉米片和一杯橙汁.
9. Actually blueberry is not a power food but an antioxidant powerhouse. 實際上藍莓不是一種供能食品,而是抗氧化發電站.
10. In food preparation , dried blueberries were added to stews, soups andmeats. 干的被除去水分的藍莓可放在燉煮的菜里, 湯里或肉類里.
11. But blueberries, blackberries, and beets leave their color on teeth as well. 但是,藍莓, 黑莓, 以及甜菜能使牙齒染色.為了健康,你應該吃它們.
12. Blue cheese, blueberries and chicken cordon bleu - but blue ketchup? 藍色奶酪 、 藍莓、法國藍帶雞胸 -- 藍色番茄醬?
13. Use a combination of sliced strawberries, raspberries, blackberries andblueberries. 也可以把草莓, 山莓, 黑莓,藍莓切成片狀,一起放在烤碟中.
14. Everybody by now knows that blueberry is a power food. 現在每一個人都知道藍莓是供能食品.
15. Yeah, actual blueberries. Like we"d pie and watch Fried Green Tomatoes. 對, 真的藍莓派我們一起烤,然后看《油炸綠蕃茄》.
16. Jean: I"ll have a coffee, a blueberry tart and a steak sandwich. 我要一杯咖啡 、 一個藍莓蛋塔和一個牛排三明治.
17. Like cherries, blueberries contain antioxidants found to promote heart health. 像櫻桃一樣, 藍莓含有促進心臟健康的抗氧化劑.
18. Blueberries The most powerful health - promoting compounds in blueberriesare anthocyanins. 藍莓藍莓中最有益于健康的化合物是花色素甙.
19. J : It"s nth wrong with the blueberry pie, people make other choices. 藍莓派很好, 只是人們做了其他的選擇.
20. These blueberries look wonderful. 這些藍莓看起來很棒.
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