發布時間:2022-06-29 15:31:07來源:勵普網
中文: 女王
女王的英文: queen; Regina; [電影]The Queen;
The reign of Queen Victoria lasted more than sixty years.
The soldiers swore to pay their homage to the Queen.
He was awarded the poet laureate by the queen.
The queen conferred a knighthood on him.
We were graced with the presence of the Queen.
Princess Anne is the daughter of Queen Elizabeth.
Bush looked at the queen sheepishly.
Then she left and returned with her retinue to her own country.
The monarch raced her horses in the derby each year.
1. Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England. 瑪麗女王 開啟了青花瓷在英格蘭的流行風尚。
2. Her Royal Highness has definite views about most things. 女王 陛下對大多數事情都有明確的觀點。
3. Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen. 圣詹姆斯皇家飯店的廚師們曾經為女王 烹制菜肴。
4. The Queen was determined to show it was business as usual. 女王 決定表現出一切正常的樣子。
5. He gave his imitation of Queen Elizabeth"s royal wave. 他模仿伊麗莎白女王 揮手致意。
6. The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty"s Civil Service. 枯燥的日常政務都由女王 陛下的政府行政部門來處理。
7. In her dying days the old Queen unbent a little. 在臨死的那些日子里,年邁的女王 態度稍緩和了一些。
8. He was knighted in the Queen"s birthday honours list in June 1988. 他于1988年6月被封為爵士,是女王 生日宴會上的受勛者之一。
9. He was underwhelmed by the prospect of meeting the Queen. 即將見到女王 并沒讓他興奮不已。
10. She arrived in St Ives to celebrate the Queen"s Silver Jubilee. 她抵達了圣艾夫斯以慶祝女王 登基25周年。
11. After touring the hospital, Her Majesty unveiled a commemorative plaque. 女王 陛下巡視完這家醫院后,為紀念匾揭了幕。
12. "Elizabeth R", a TV portrait of the Queen, had record viewing figures. 關于女王 的電視專題片《伊麗莎白女王 》創下了收視紀錄。
13. We were taught how to curtsy to the Queen. 有人教我們如何向女王 行屈膝禮。
14. He was, according to witnesses, extremely wintry with Her Royal Highness. 據目擊者稱,他對女王 殿下極其冷淡。
15. Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years. 米萊娜女王 傾國傾城,她的美貌并沒有隨著歲月的流逝而褪減。
16. Lucian Freud has been asked to paint a portrait of the Queen. 盧西恩·弗洛伊德已受邀為女王 畫肖像畫。
17. The women were busily comparing notes on the queen"s outfit. 女人們忙著交換對女王 衣著的看法。
18. She was a queenly, organizing type. 她屬于那種像女王 般把一切都組織得井然有序的類型。
19. She is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria. 她是維多利亞女王 的嫡系后代。
20. The Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque. 女王 為紀念牌匾揭幕。
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