發布時間:2022-07-03 20:37:15來源:勵普網
International Labour Day
labor day
May Day
五一勞動節 May Day ; The Holiday of Labors Day ;
在勞動節那天 on Labor Day
勞動節英語作文 The Holiday of Labors Day
勞動節之父 the father of Labor Day
我們歡慶勞動節 We Celebrate Labor Day
美國勞動節 Labor Day ; The American Labor Day
勞動節的歷史 Labor"s Day
國際勞動節口號 International Labor Day Slogan
1. Traditionally, election campaigns start on Labor Day.
2. On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin.
3. The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China.
4. The first of May is International Labour Day.
5. Yes, we have Thanksgiving Day, Labor Day and April Fool"s Day.
是的.我們有感恩節 、 勞動節,以及愚人節.
6. Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September.
7. In China, we celebrate International Labor Day on May 1.
在中國, 我們在5月1日慶祝國際勞動節.
8. How about Labor Day and Memorial Day?
勞動節和陣亡將士紀念日 呢 ?
9. Oh, today"s International Labour Day.
噢, 今天是國際勞動節.
10. Wishing you a very restful and joyous Labor Day.
11. Labor Day is a yearly tribute to the contribution of workers.
12. Labor Day weekend usually marks the end of summer.
13. Why mention this quote when this page is about Labor Day?
這篇文章是講勞動節的,為什么引用這段文字 呢 ?
14. In the USA, Labour Day is on the first Monday of September.
在美國, 勞動節是在9月的第一個星期一.
15. So start the budgeting process by labor day, if not a bIt"sooner.
所以勞動節的時候開始預算流程吧, 如果不是覺得太早的話.
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