發布時間:2022-07-13 20:06:12來源:勵普網
那么你知道航行的英語單詞是什么嗎? 航行船由水路從一處至另一處例:貨船能在內陸水域航行,或指飛行。
With its engine broken, this great ship was not navigable.
We sailed against the wind.
The sea is too turbulent for sailing.
I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea.
Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks.
All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it.
Which only abyssal eyes can sail and fly in.
They agreed to concede territory and navigation rights.
Such boats can navigate on the Nile.
By merging data from an increasing number of sources ranging from legacy technologies like satellites and sonar to next-generation systems like unmanned aircraft and submersible underwater robots, the company has created a tidy software solution to a vexing hardware problem& a means to navigate the Arctic with precision in a conventional, non-ice-hardened hull.
已經有一批高科技企業家和追求刺激的超級富豪抓緊機會買了維珍銀河(Virgin Galactic)等公司的船票,將要進行計劃已久但尚未成行的國際太空站訪問,或在環地球軌道上作較短的兜風航行;上述兩家公司正向同一批人兜售他們的探月之旅。
The companies are marketing their lunar missions to the same high-tech entrepreneurs and ultra-rich thrill-seekers who have snapped up tourist visits to the ISS and suborbital joyrides-long planned, but yet to fly-with firms such as Virgin Galactic.
Article1 the term “ ship ” referred to in this code shall denote any ship that navigate on the sea, or navigate on the surfaces of or in the waters accessible to the sea.
The US is also considering flying surveillance missions even closer to the islands, as well as sailing warships within a few miles of them, as part of a new, more robust US military posture in the area.
Fossett and the globalflyer team considered abandoning the trip when they were over Hawaii on Wednesday because the experimental plane came up about 2600 pounds of fuel short after taking off. The jet burns 102 pounds of fuel per hour.
They spent many days cruising the northern Pacific Ocean.
They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone.
Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the Pacific on his way to Java in the thirteenth century.
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