發布時間:2022-09-28 17:12:26來源:勵普網
picture表照片,畫像; 圖畫的意思,那么你知道picture的同義詞有哪些嗎?
cinema, film, movie, picture
film : 指電影、影片,普通用詞。
movie : 美國英語中的口語用詞。
picture : 從原義指銀幕或電視屏幕上的圖像引申指影片。
describe, represent, sketch, picture
describe : 側重指描述細節,給讀者或聽眾提供清晰的視覺圖像。
represent : 指有代表性或象征性地描述或講述。
sketch : 指快速地勾勒或概略地敘述。
picture : 著重能夠栩栩如生地把事物或場景等描繪出來。
drawing, illustration, cartoon, diagram, picture, sketch, painting, portrait
drawing : 指用線條或色彩繪成的圖畫。
illustration : 指插入書頁之間幫助說明的任何插圖或圖解。
cartoon : 指幽默或諷刺性漫畫。
diagram : 多指科技書籍或文獻中具有概括解說作用的圖表、圖樣或略圖。
picture : 指廣義的"圖畫",現多用來指相片、畫像。
sketch : 通常指只畫出物體主要特征的圖畫。
painting : 指著色的畫。
portrait : 指肖像,只用于指人。
be in pictures
1. (主北美)從影,演戲
be (或 look) a picture
1. 漂亮
the big picture
1. (非正式)整體情況
get the picture
1. (非正式)了解情況
in the picture
1. 熟知,知情,知底細
out of the picture
1. 不知情,不知底細
hostages were better left out of the picture.
a (或 the) picture of ——
1. 是…的化身(或典范)
she looked a picture of health.
(as) pretty as a picture
1. 非常漂亮
1. Police have released an E-fit picture of the suspected gunman.
2. The Sun had captioned a picture of Princess Diana "Princess of Veils"
3. But as with other charitable bodies, these figures mask the true picture.
4. She visualized him stomping to his car, the picture of self-righteousness.
5. How had this com-promising picture come into the possession of the press?
6. Today his picture goes on show at the National Portrait Gallery.
7. This picture shows the view from a car using normal dipped lights.
8. I decided to crop the picture just above the water line.
9. I tried to put the picture from my mind.
10. Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.
11. His picture was plastered all over the newspapers on the weekend.
12. Grace Robertson started as a photographer with Picture Post in 1947.
13. You can have your picture taken with a cutout of David Beckham.
14. A close look at the statistics reveals a troubling picture.
15. He described the picture as his most cherished possession.
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