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          圣誕老人英文怎么說 圣誕老人的英文例句

          2022-12-06 15:58:25來源:勵普網

          哈嘍小伙伴們 ,今天給大家科普一個小知識。在日常生活中我們或多或少的都會接觸到圣誕老人英文怎么說 圣誕老人的英文例句方面的一些說法,有的小伙伴還不是很了解,今天就給大家詳細的介紹一下關于圣誕老人英文怎么說 圣誕老人的英文例句的相關內容。


            圣誕老人(Santa Claus)是一位專門為好孩子在圣誕節前夜送上禮物的神秘人物。傳說每到12月24日晚上,有個神秘人會駕乘由9只馴鹿拉的雪橇,挨家挨戶地從煙囪進入屋里,然后偷偷把禮物放在好孩子床頭的襪子里,或者堆在壁爐旁的圣誕樹下。雖然沒有人真的見過神秘人的樣子,但是人們通常裝扮成頭戴紅色圣誕帽子,大大的白色胡子,一身紅色棉衣,腳穿紅色靴子的樣子,因為總在圣誕節前夜出現派發禮物,所以習慣地稱他為"圣誕老人"。那么,你知道圣誕老人的英語單詞怎么說嗎?


            Santa Claus

            Father Christmas


            Kriss Kringle



            Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor who is often associated with Santa Claus and the custom of gift-giving at Christmas.


            Bah! There is no Santa Claus.


            Santa distributed gifts and goodies to the kids.


            He lands his magic sleigh on your roof.


            Santa hats had twinkling lights everywhere.


            He is a fat man with a long white beard and wears a red suit.


            Even parents who take a more traditional approach can get foiled by technology.


            Santa is riding on the sleigh pulled by reindeers.


            Santa rides in a sleigh.


            The children are longing for Santa Claus to arrive.


            The children thrilled with excitement at the sight of Santa Claus.

            不過 無論你相信的是那一個版本的圣誕老人你只需要知道一件事-圣誕老人居住在格陵蘭。

            Regardless of which version of Santa Claus you believe in, however, there is onlyone thing you need to know – that Santa Claus lives in Greenland.


            To me, that would have been crucial; after all, I wouldn’t tell a child there is noSanta Claus or why I am an atheist without a parent’s permission.


            Yet even if this list reads like a national letter to Santa Claus, the package is still agiant step in the right direction.


            Sometimes I would think about staying up late at night, so I could see him leavethem there, but just like with Santa Claus, I didnt want to ruin the magic for fear that he would never do it again.


            At that point in my life, I still believed in the magical trifecta—Santa Claus, theEaster Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.


            In reality, though, that “handsome prince” we seem to be promising is in good company with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny—nary a one of them seems toexist.


            Of course, there are times when people do lie to children - about Santa Claus, for example, but also in less innocuous situations.


            We told him that she did not believe in Father Christmas because of her religionand he's fine now.


            But he was also known for telling an Ottawa home-and-school association in1945: “Any child who believes in Santa Claus has had his ability to thinkpermanently destroyed.


            It was my turn to be Santa Claus at the kids’ school.


            Yet even if this list reads like a national letter to Santa Claus, the package is still agiant step in the right direction.


            But such a list belongs in the same category as childish scrawls in crayon, askingFather Christmas to bring a magic rabbit and an invisibility cloak.


            Here he is in a festive scene at a park, gamely wearing a red fleece and a SantaClaus hat.


            Do your kids still believe in Santa Claus?


            But most realize that the character “Santa Claus” is really a fictional characterpresented in a light-hearted way for the enjoyment of children.


            But the ultimate indignity would have to be a holiday card showing Santa Claus ina convertible racing car running over a horrified snowman, who is screaming for dear life.


            "We call it the 'Santa Claus effect,'" says Martin Levin, lead author of the study,which is published in the current issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family.


            Queen Elizabeth II receives a bag of sweets for her grandson from Santa Claus, played by Sergeant Ken Jones, during her 1977 visit to the 1st Battalion, theRoyal Welch Fusiliers.

          相關內容: 圣誕老人 英文 怎么 圣誕老人 Santa Claus 一位 專門 好孩子


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