2023-01-09 09:33:26來源:勵普網(wǎng)
最近這段時間總有小伙伴問小編boss是什么意思中文翻譯 游戲中boss的意思是什么,小編為此在網(wǎng)上搜尋了一些有關(guān)于boss是什么意思中文翻譯 游戲中boss的意思的知識送給大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。
英 [bɒs] 美 [bɔːs]
My boss is a football fan.
He was fired by his boss.
He is my sometime boss.
Bob liked to boss the young man about.
Don't boss me around! What do you take me for?
The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position 老板由于自身的地位而一直有極大的影響力。
As the boss began to rant, I stood up and went out 老板開始咆哮的時候,我起身走了出去。
He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss 他似乎直接和老板聯(lián)系。
Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily 杰克遜說她的老板情緒越來越低落,又開始拼命抽煙了。
As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy 只要我做好本職工作,我的老板就很高興。
The boss covers all bases when he sets up a job 老板設立一個工作崗位時,需要方方面面都考慮到。
Johnson's easy charm contrasted sharply with the prickliness of his boss 約翰遜的親和力和他老板易怒的性格形成了鮮明的對比。
My husband has just had a blazing row with his boss 我丈夫剛和他老板大吵了一架。
To his acolytes, he is known simply as "the Boss" 他被手下人簡稱為“老板”。
It was clear to me that he respected his boss 在我看來他顯然很尊重他的上司。
Please give this to your boss with my compliments 請把這個給你的老板,算是我的一點心意。
Tim hemmed and hawed, but finally told his boss the truth 蒂姆起初支支吾吾,但最終還是把真相告訴了老板。
Occasionally I have to go and ask the boss for a rise 有時我不得不找老板要求加薪。
Her boss took her under his wing after fully realizing her potential 老板充分意識到她的潛力后,對她關(guān)懷備至。
Being boss of a software firm beats selling insurance 當軟件公司的老板比賣保險強多了。
His boss did not pressure him for results 他的老板并沒有催促他盡早拿出結(jié)果。
So you fancy yourself as the boss someday? 這么說,你是想有一天自己當上老板嘍?
You heard what the boss said, bud 你聽見老板說的話了,老兄。
"The boss gave us a rollicking," said McGoldrick “老板狠狠教訓了我們一頓,”麥戈德里克說。
He thinks he's the boss 他認為自己是頭兒。
Management skills come naturally to some people, but for others a promotion sometimes means a whole new set of worries when it comes to being someone else’s boss. If you’re one of those people who has no idea how to be in charge of other people, this infographic on how to be a good boss can help you take control without being a controlling monster.
A few things to avoid if you want to be a good boss include:
Publicly belittling employees
Lying to your workers
Condescending others
Humiliating those who work for you
Micromanaging or nitpicking everyone’s work
As for what you should do as a boss, try to make your employees feel appreciated, provide them with useful feedback and help them to promote their professional reputations. Most importantly: treat others as you’d like to be treated.
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