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          break down是什么意思 雙語例句

          2023-01-31 09:22:46來源:勵普網

          在生活中,很多人都不知道break down是什么意思 雙語例句是什么意思,其實他的意思是非常簡單的,下面就是小編搜索到的break down是什么意思 雙語例句相關的一些知識,我們一起來學習下吧!


            break down的中文意思你們知道嗎?有用它來造句過嗎?小編為大家帶來break down是什么意思,歡迎大家一起學習!

            break down的意思


            break down的雙語例句

            1. The police tried to break down the prisoner"s opposition.


            2. His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants.


            3. When marriages break down children are swept into the vortex of their parents" embittered emotions.


            4. She had been waiting for Simon to break down the barrier between them.


            5. Our new policies are designed to break down artificial barriers to women"s advancement.


            6. Let"s break down the project into smaller parts in order to deal with them one by one.


            7. The coalition could break down before the five years expire .


            8. Can you break down what kind of services you have here?


            9. Children would bring them close together and break down this invisible barrier.


            10. The machine must break down at this busy hour.


            11. Silicate minerals are characteristically refractory and difficult to break down.


            12. Under millions of feet, ancient stones wear out, ancient floors break down.

            在千百萬人的踐踏下, 古代的磚石在磨損, 石代的地面在坍塌.

            13. It is stable in the end, so it does not break down.

            這體系最終是穩定的, 所以它沒有瓦解.

            14. Increasing effort must be made to break down the old impression.


            15. Should the gyroscopes break down, the celestial system would take over.

            如果陀螺儀發生故障, 天體導航系統就會接替它繼續進行工作.

            break down的英語例句

            You should break down your methods so that each method does a particular work.


            You can then break down these work components into the activities that are required to buildthem.


            After you have created a group, you can break down the distribution among all the groups byattaching the test scripts (the recordings) to these groups.


            They actively break down fat compounds and lipids.


            I always write a to-do list for every project, and having recently completed a major one, I realisedsomething about the process that causes it all to break down.

            我自己為每個項目都寫下一份行動清單,就在最近還剛完成了一個大項目。 (由此)我意識到在分解項目的過程中發生的一些事。

            One requirement may break down into ten user stories, but if the development team completesthe five most critical stories, that may be sufficient to meet the customer requirement.


            During the planning meeting, for each user story in the iteration backlog, the team needs tobreak down all the tasks required for the story to be considered complete.


            If a mirror cell got the right set of isomerases to break down these nutrients, that would be a mess.


            It was also useful in helping the development team break down and assign the work.


            The team learned from their TERI mentors that microbes could be used to break down thechemicals in the river, and that there was technology available to prevent further pollution.


            But a new analysis shows that biodegradable plastics, particularly those that break down fast,are contributing to climate change.


            They protect the body for the funeral, but, once buried, the fibres break down.


            Bacteria housed on a graphite fiber anode break down the fats, proteins and sugars in sewage, freeing up a steady stream of electrons, which the bacteria transfer directly into the electrode.


            Manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, energy management, recycling and wastemanagement all break down into succinct business processes, with human tasks andinterventions.


            At present biofuel — most commonly in the form of ethanol — is produced biologically, usingmicroorganisms to break down raw biomass into simple sugars, which are then fermented toproduce ethanol.

            目前生物燃料——最主要的是乙醇——是用生物方法制造的。 人們使用微生物分解生物質原料,使之變成單糖,然后讓單糖發酵產生乙醇。


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