2023-02-10 08:55:16來源:勵普網
隨著社會越來越發達,大家都選擇在網絡上汲取相關知識內容,比如休假英語怎么說 休假的英語說法,為了更好的解答大家的問題,小編也是翻閱整理了相應內容,下面就一起來看一下吧!
英 [v??kei??n] 美 [ve?ke??n, v?-]
take a vacation
英 [teik ? v??kei??n] 美 [tek e ve?ke??n]
have a holiday
英 [h?v ? ?h?l?di] 美 [h?v e ?hɑl??de]
go home on furlough
a vacation with pay
on a short leave
They need a holiday to cheer them up.
The staff was drooling over having a day off.
Both students and teachers took Christmas off.
When do you plan to take your holiday?
I suggest you notice your manager at least one day in advance if you haveany leave plan.
She is sick of uncertain income, no holiday pay and working by herself each day.
She was no longer one of them; at some point during her year off, she hadturned away.
她說在她父母最后的日子里,除了她和她姐姐外,沒有人可以照看他們。 要是沒有《家庭休假法》,她倆是沒有辦法照顧他們的。
She said there was no one to care for them in their last days except her andher sister, and they wouldn’t have been able to do it without the familyleave law.
That is why, when people attempt to call their therapist during off hoursthey usually hear a recorded message instructing them to go to theemergency room in the event of a crisis.
But Sarkozy sees things differently now, and not just because he vacations inthe US.
And, if a storm could disrupt your vacation plans or if you could get sickfrom drinking the water, we alert you through our travel warnings.
I suggest you notice your manager at least one day in advance if you haveany leave plan. You only can leave after get the manager"s approval.
Start planning your next vacation .
Yes, I spend most of my time in the office and can"t go on vacation with youand the kids.
In this case, only the required data such as name, dates, and leave type --rather than the entire form -- are sent to the processing application.
I was at home on furlough.
For 2014, residential investment is expected to grow 10.3%, while the economy will likely grow only 2.2% as tens of thousands of federal employees face furloughs and cuts to government programs, Barclays forecasts.
I ‘ ll take a vacation next week.
Anyone who requests for sick leave must submit a medical certificate and only one worker from a particular department can be on leave on a single day during the month, according to a report in the Shanghai-based Youth Daily. Some companies have vowed strict action against those who violate rules.
You are not alone but more than half of Americans do not take all theirvacation days, even though they think they need a holiday more this yearthan last.
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