2023-02-24 10:39:32來源:勵普網
最近小編看到大家都在討論飲食文化用英語怎么說 飲食文化的英語說法相關的事情,對此呢小編也是非常的感應興趣,那么這件事究竟是怎么發生的呢?具體又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小編搜索到的關于飲食文化用英語怎么說 飲食文化的英語說法事件的相關信息,我們一起來看一下吧!
cooking culture
Diet culture
food culture
瑞典飲食文化 Swedish cuisine
古羅馬飲食文化 Ancient Roman cuisine
美國飲食文化 American Diet Culture
韓國腌制飲食文化 Korea"s Pickling Culture
1. Peng lai xian Hotel Survey Fresh classical North - South . Whose food culture trend.
蓬萊仙大酒店匯集 南北 經典名食, 引領飲食文化潮流.
2. To banana leaves, eat, see, feel, is a natural food culture!
去蕉葉, 吃的, 看到的, 感受到的, 是一種自然流露的飲食文化!
3. Quite. China is a country with a splendid catering culture.
沒錯, 中國是個飲食文化非常豐富的國家.
4. Today, Romeo is going to find out the best of tasting crab.
今天, 羅密歐將帶我們深入認識有關于蟹的飲食文化.
5. In cooking culture, the local snack has representativeness most.
在飲食文化中, 地方小吃最具有代表性.
6. Many changes are taking place in China"s diet style.
7. As a form of material culture, catering culture is all - embracing field.
飲食文化屬于物質文化, 是最為基礎的文化類型,廣泛地滲透于人類生活的方方面面.
8. A long history, deep inside the long unique food culture in Handan.
悠久的歷史, 深厚的底蘊早就了邯鄲獨特的飲食文化.
9. Here are some differences between American and Chinese dining cultures.
10. Chinese cooking culture aa remote source with its content accumulated in various ancient classics.
11. The diet culture also praises of cultural relations Central Africa language culture important components.
12. As a carrier of culture, jiao zi is typical of traditional Chinese cuisine culture.
作為一個文化的載體, 餃子是中國傳統飲食文化的象征.
13. Cross - cultural communication under the globalized situation make various constant complementation and compatibility of cooking culture.
全球化態勢下的 跨 文化交際使得多樣的飲食文化不斷的互補與兼容.
14. Chaoshan food culture develop own school, the name loud time nation - wide of tide vegetable.
汕頭的飲食文化獨樹一幟, 潮菜的名字響遍全國.
15. This paper first gives an introduction about the Chinese and Western food culture.
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