2023-04-13 10:02:56來源:勵普網
隨著社會越來越發達,大家都選擇在網絡上汲取相關知識內容,比如快樂的英文是什么 快樂的英語例句,為了更好的解答大家的問題,小編也是翻閱整理了相應內容,下面就一起來看一下吧!
Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county.
He is a friendly jovial fellow.
He has known both grief and happiness.
A merry Xmas to all our readers!
The happy ones remove all conditions on their happiness.
The only way to get it is to follow steadily the path of duty.
A happy person is not as good as a happy group.
Everyone has some happy things and will feel happier after sharing with others.
1. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.
2. I don"t want him to feel forsaken and unhappy.
3. She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman.
4. Why not retrain for a job which will make you happier?
5. Gregory was still enchanted with Shannon"s youth and joy and beauty.
6. I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas.
7. He was falsely jovial, with his booming, mirthless laugh.
8. It was the birth of his grandchildren which gave him greatest pleasure.
9. Mr Bowles could engender delight in students and musicians alike.
10. Unfortunately, this happy story finishes on a more sombre note.
11. I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.
12. Be a little easier on yourself and enjoy yourself more.
13. Childhood had less freedom and joy than we sentimentally attribute to it.
14. They really do get pleasure from spending money on other people.
15. Jack and his missis are as happy as two lovebirds now.
Are you a happy person? What are the personality factors that happy people usually have?
As the former president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln once said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be . ”It is commonly acknowledged that happiness varies from person to person.Nevertheless,we can still find some common ground between the people who are prone to be happier than others.
Firstly,they are much more optimistic when facing the same situation.As something bad happens,they tend to think about the positive aspects and some even keep humorous continuously. And they always try hard to find the solution instead of worrying about it for a long time. What’s more,they know themselves better.They know what they want and do not admire what others own.They cherish what they have at present and do not pursuit the imaginary material world because they know that prosperity alone can by no means insure happiness. Last but not least, one dominating factor is their relationship with the people around them.Only when they get well with their acquaintances can they maintain a good mood.And it is the love their friends give them that might promote their happiness index.
As for me,I think I live a happy life.I have considerate parents who always support me, many friends who accompany me through thick and
thin ,and a group of classmates with whom I seek for the unknown together.And inevitably,my life is also spiced with depressing episodes,sometimes frustrating me a lot. But they are also a kind of experiences and a kind of fortune for our life.
If we can change our attitudes towards things in the world,clearly know what we want and get along well with the people around us, we can surely adjust our emotion in a good state and we can also do everything better.
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