2023-04-19 09:56:08來源:勵普網
提起英語語法訓練題練習題大全 英語語法訓練大家在熟悉不過了,被越來越多的人所熟知,那你知道英語語法訓練題練習題大全 英語語法訓練嗎?快來和小編一起去了解一下吧!
1. Some people are still in ____ habit of writing silly things in ____ public places.
A. the; the B. /; /
C. the; / D. /; the
2. As we know, ____ knowledge is a must in ____ international trade today.
A. a; / B. the; an
C. the; the D. /;the
3. She is ____ newcomer to ____ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.
A. the; the B. the; /
C. a; / D. a; the
4. The boy led the blind man by ____ arm to cross ____ street.
A. an; the B. the; the
C. the ; a D. an; a
5. Sometimes ____ weak can defeat ____ strong.
A. /; / B. the; the
C. the; a D. /; the
6. He is ____ younger of the two brothers.
A. a B. the
C. / D. one
7. Land to ____ east of ____ Urals is call Asia.
A. the; the B. /; the
C. /; / D. the; /
8. Take these chairs away; they are standing in ____ way.
A. one B. a
C. the D. this
9. Do you know ____ French for “hen”?
A. a B. an
C. the D. /
10. I like watching ____ TV and listen to ____ radio.
A. the; the B. /; /
C. the; / D. /; the
11. He has tried twice but is asked to have ____ third try.
A. another B. a
C. one D. the
12. There is ____ “n” in the word “north”.
A. an B. a
C. the D. /
13. ____ summer morning, Tom got up early and went fishing.
A. A B. One
C. The D. /
14. ____writer and ____ poet is coming to give us a talk this afternoon.
A. A; a B. The; the
C. The; a D. The; /
15. Mr. Brown was elected ____ head of our company.
A. a B. the
C. / D. one
16. A bookseller is ____ man who sells books.
A. one B. the
C. a D. /
17. Jack enjoys ____ music while his brother likes to go to ____ cinema.
A. /; / B. the; the
C. the; / D. /; the
18. I usually have ____ lunch at home but yesterday I had ____ good lunch at that restaurant.
A. /; a B. the; /
C. the; a D. the; the
19. He sleeps during ____ day and works at ____ night.
A. /; the B. the; /
C. /; / D. the; /
20. ____ Jacksons have come, We can begin our party now.
A. A B. One
C. The D. /
1. By the way, who will teach ___pop music next term?
A. us B. our
C. ours D. we
2. Both Pingping and Beibei have done ___homework.
A. his B. her
C. their D. both’s
3. Everybody is here, ___?
A. isn’t everybody B. isn’t it
C. isn’t he D. aren’t they
4. It was ___ who wrote those words on the blackboard.
A. he B. him
C. himself D. his
5. He wants nothing but a house of ____.
A. his own B. himself
c. his father D. his own house
6. Can you express ___ in English?
A. yourself B. you
C. yours D.yours’
7. One of them hasn’t got ___ lessons prepared.
A. her B. its
C. one’s D. his
8. You don’t look quite ___ today. What’s the matter with you?
A. you B. your
C. your own D. yourself
9. Though ___ is a long way from here, we’ll do our best to reach there in time.
A. there B. it
C. its D. itself
10. We don’t consider ___ necessary for them to move into that house.
A. that B. this
C. it D. them
11. ___ is a great and glorious country.
A. Our B. Ours
C. Its D. Our’s
12. He parents are going on a study trip with a friend of ___.
A. them B. their
C. themselves D. theirs
13. I’m sorry to say ___ of your answers are correct.
A. none B. neither
C. both D. any
14. --- Who is that knocking at the door?
----_____ must be the milkman.
A. He B. She
C. It D. The man
15. ___ agree to your plan.
A. Anyone of us B. No one of us
C. None of us D. Someone of us
16. The books here are not so well written as ___ on the shelf.
A. that B. those
C. ones D. them
17. My father is a farmer, but ___ is yours?
A. who B. how
C. which D. what
18. ___ do you think of my composition?
A. How B. What
C. Which D. Why
19. ___ of you would like to get me the bike?
A. Which B. What
C. Whom D. Whomever
20. Please write on the paper ___ line.
A. each other B. every other
C. all other D. this and that
1. This is ___ reading-room.
A. the teacher’s B. teacher’s
C. teacher’s D. the teachers’
2. Nothing was found but ___ broken.
A. the room window B. the room’s window
C. the room of the window D. the window of room
3. How many___ would you like?
A. paper B. bread
C. pieces of papers D. pieces of bread
4. He was praised for his ___.
A. brave B. bravery
C. bravely D. great brave
5. Please get me a new ___ when you go to town.
A. clothes B. dress
C. clothing D. trousers
6. There are 34___ doctors in the hospital.
A. woman B. women
C. woman’s D. women’s
7. Some___ are even thinner than your little finger.
A. bamboo B. bamboos
C. kinds of bamboo D. kinds of bamboos
8. He was born in this town and now he lives in ___.
A. Building second B. Building Two
C. the Building Two D. Building the Second
9. Old as he is, he has ___to do every day.
A. a lot of work B. much works
C. lots of homeworks D. quite a lot of homeworks
10. Jack’s room is furnished with ___.
A. new furnitures B. many new furnitures
C. many new pieces of furnitures D. many new pieces of furniture
11. Have you read ___newspaper yet?
A. today’s B. Today’s
C. the today’s D. your today’s
12. It’s not far, only ___walk from here to our school.
A. a ten minutes B. ten minutes
C. a ten minutes’ D. ten minutes’
13. Last month, he wrote me ___letter.
A. a 1000-word B. 1000 words
C. a 1000-words D. 1000 words’
14. He had a ___sleep yesterday.
A. a good night B. a good-night
C. a good night’s D. good-night’s
15. ___is not a long way to drive.
A. Three miles distance B. Three-mile distance
C. Three miles’ distance D. A three-mile-distance
16. His isn’t fit for the work. Please get me ___.
A. something else B. somebody else
C. someone else’s D. somebody’s else
17. Do you know how large ___ is?
A. population of China B. Chinese population
C. China population D. China’s population
18. ___ is too much for the boy to carry.
A. The box weight B. The box’s weight
C. The weight of the box D. The box of the weight
19. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest ___ shop?
A. shoes B. shoe
C. shoes’ D. shoe’s
20. What ___ weather we’re having these days!
A. nice B. a nice
C. a bad D. worse
雅思 托福 GRE IB SAT GMAT A-Level ACT 多鄰國英語測試 OSSD 英語四六級 出國英語 詞匯 AEAS 英語口語 商務英語 考研英語 青少英語 成人英語 個人提升英語 高中英語 劍橋英語 AP課程 一級建造師 二級建造師 消防工程師 消防設施操作員 BIM 造價工程師 環評師 監理工程師 咨詢工程師 安全工程師 建筑九大員 注冊電氣工程師 一級注冊建筑師 公路水運檢測 通信工程 裝配式工程師 二級注冊建筑師 智慧消防工程師 智慧建造工程師 全過程工程咨詢師 EPC工程總承包 碳排放管理師 初級會計師 中級會計師 注冊會計師(cpa) CFA ACCA CMA 基金從業 證券從業 會計證 初中級經濟師 薪稅師 會計實操 企業合規師 FRM 會計就業 教師資格 食品安全管理師 人力資源管理 鄉村規劃師 心理咨詢師 健康管理師 家庭教育指導師 普通話 公共營養師 物流師 網絡主播 專利代理師 教師招聘 籃球 少兒編程 書法培訓 繪畫美術 音樂 舞蹈 棋類 國畫 樂器 機器人編程 小孩子注意力訓練 兒童專注力 兒童情緒管理 少兒小主播 信奧賽C++ 籃球 嵌入式培訓 軟件測試 Web前端 linux云計算 大數據 C/C++開發 電子商務 Java開發 影視后期 剪輯包裝 游戲設計 php 商業插畫 產品經理 Python photoshop UXD全鏈路 UI設計 室內設計 電商視覺設計 IT認證 PMP項目管理