2023-07-11 09:01:26來源:勵普網
current situation
present condition
Business philosophy: "Challenge the status quo."
運營理念:“挑戰現狀。” The president gave his speech on the state of the Union.
總統就聯邦的現狀發表國情咨文。And they have no respect for the status quo.
他們對現狀沒有絲毫的尊重。 The Research On Disabled Children (0-7) And The Strategy Of Preschool Special Education In Hebei Province.
河北省殘疾兒童(0-7歲)現狀調查及學前特殊教育對策研究報告。Laplace at seventy-eight died young. He was still unsatisfied, is still sure that he had a lot to learn.
當柏斯78歲去世時,他仍然是年青的,因為他仍然沒有滿足于現狀,他仍然渴望學到許多東西。Current situation and prospect of biochemical engineering
生物化工現狀與發展She is contented with things as they are.
她滿意于現狀They are disgusted with the status quo.
他們對現狀很厭惡。Dissatisfied with existing conditions.
不滿的對現狀不滿意的Leave things as they are right now.
n. (水,氣,電)流;趨勢,潮流
adj. 現在的;通用的;流行的
erratic current
渦流|不穩定的電流 Stop the current transfer Stop the current transfer (ESC)
停止當前傳送停止當前傳送(ESC)A device used to convert direct current into alternating current.
n. 情況;狀況;局面;處境,境遇;位置;地點
appreciation [of situation]
判斷〔局勢〕 mercurial situation
易變的形勢 a survey of the situation, subject
對情況、 問題的概括論述
adj. 目前的,現在的;出席的,在場的;現在時態的
v. 贈送;提出;介紹;舉槍瞄準;呈現
n. 禮物;現在
There is at present uncertainty regarding the hazard to health presented by crocidolite.
目前,青石棉對健康的危害尚不清楚。Some diseases are presented by heredity.
有些疾病是由于遺傳導致的。should alternately present as undulate .
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