2023-08-29 16:37:43來源:勵普網
Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having top of the line products.
Active Sports的高質量產品已有了相當的信譽。He has practiced law in Taipei for 30 years.
他在臺北做律師已有三十年。The army besieged the town for 30 days.
軍隊圍攻那城鎮已有30天了。Her dark hair was streaked with gray
她的黑發中已有一縷縷白發。The histology of the main nerve rings has been described in detail
主要神經環的組織原已有詳細描述。Hundreds of people have died in inter-tribal fighting in recent weeks.
近幾周的種族沖突中,已有百余人喪生。Pansy"s a little dusty, a little disheveled
帕西已有一點粗俗,有一點憔悴了。The farm already has ten cows, but they’re buying another five.
農場已有十頭奶牛,但他們準備再買五頭。Existing cookies on your computer can be read by the Web sites that created them.
計算機上已有的Cookie可以由創建Cookie的網站讀取。The resting lymphocyte population has been reported largely as the B series of lymphocytes
adj. 目前的;現存的
There is no existent in the space.
在那個空間已經沒有東西存在了。He conceived of an idea and believed that it existed or should exist.
他持有一個理想,相信它已經存在或者應該存在。To ascribe material existence to.
使人格化把物質的存在歸于… a desolate person, life, existence
孤獨而凄涼的人、 生活、 生活情況 She existed only on milk.
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