2023-06-05 10:21:39來源:勵普網
path to follow
Secondary pattrn
次級方向圖To cause to lose one"s bearings; disorient.
使失去方向;使迷失方向。fluky wind
方向不定的風The police made a swoop on the headquarters.
警方向總部發動突然襲擊。To execute or cause to execute a countermarch.
進行或使進行反方向行進admiral, we have enemy ships in sector 47
元帥,四七區方向有敵機alternating direction implicit method
交替方向隱式法a hard straight return made on the backhand side.
在反手方向用力而且直接回擊。 Change the direction or course of(sth);divert
改變(某事物)的方向或路線;轉移I"m quite disoriented. Which way is north?
n. 方向;指南;管理,指導
This is a direct election.
這是直接選舉。Cross direction: The direction at right angle to the paper grain or machine direction.
橫向:與紙紋成直角的方向。It saved me hours of work in the direction of notes and directives.
n. 方向;定位;定向;取向;情況介紹;任職培訓;朝向;適應
orientation point
方位點 orienting spreading
定向鋪裝 This project is oriented towards education.
n. 小路;路線;行動計劃
The path of duty is the path of safety
盡職的路是安全的路strike one"s path
朝...方向進; 取道前進 A route or path across or over.
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