2023-05-26 09:18:04來源:勵普網
sense of security
feeling of security
feeling of safety
safety feeling
assuage their chronic insecurity.
消除他們長期的不安全感An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.
夜里點燈帶來的間接好處是有了安全感。His repeated references to his dangerous hobbies were only a disguise to cover up his insecurity.
他不時地提起他危險的嗜好只是掩飾他的不安全感的托詞。Having a cell phone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.
擁有手機同時使我們有安全感,因為在緊急情況下我們可以通過手機求救。I surrender to the safety of your heart.
我屈服于你心里的安全感。Crime creates feelings of insecurity in the population.
犯罪活動引起人們的不安全感。He was lulled into a false sense of security.
他被人引入一種虛幻的安全感之中。The events of 9/11 destroyed a sense of security for this cohort of children.
911事件毀壞了一群孩子的安全感。People feel pinched in their pocketbooks and insecure about their futures.
人們感到荷包拮據,對未來缺乏安全感。They are impatient for jobs and security.
n. 感官;感覺;智慧;辨別力;意義
v. 感覺到,意識到;檢測,測出;了解,領會
The method is going to increase the sens itivity.
這個方法旨在提高感光度。Dr. Sun yat-sen was a pioneer of the democratic revolution.
孫中山先生是民主革命的先驅。Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese revolution.
n. 安全,安全感;防護;增加;保障;證券
a security guard
安全警衛This is a secure anchorage.
這是個安全泊地。Underwrite securities
n. 感覺;想法;態度;情感;激動;理解力;同情;知覺;氣氛
feeling of efficacy
效力感 Has a feeling for language.
對語言有領悟力 You can feel the electricity in the crowd.
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