2023-07-18 09:24:45來源:勵普網
Make laws;decide laws
制定法規A book or set of church rules concerning the sacrament of penance.
補贖書或補贖法規Statutes at large
一般法規,法令匯編sacral laws
有關圣事的法規A systematic arrangement of statutes or court decisions.
匯集法規或法令的系統化分類。However, such bilateral agreements shall not contravene the provisions of laws and regulations.
但雙方的約定不得違背法律、法規的規定。statutes at large
一般法規,法令全書,全文法令集Even if the moral law is a divine com mandment, God must be able to provide good reasons for His law
即使道德法規是神圣戒律,神也必須能為其法規提供充分的說明。All the rigid rule of his forebears, all the domination of an unjust social order, grip him.
父輩的嚴峻的法規,不公平的社會制度,把他牢牢地控制住了。 Surveys show that 75% of people approve of the new law.
n. 法律,立法
The legislation was made retrospective.
該項法規具有追溯效力。Legislation is not in the President"s power.
立法不是總統的權力。The conservationists will not take kindly to the legislation.
自然資源保護論者對這項立法不會做出善意的反應。Legislation is not in the President"s power.
立法不是總統的權力。The President has the power to veto legislation.
n. 法令,法規
A systematic arrangement of statutes or court decisions.
匯集法規或法令的系統化分類。There are signs that the bill will reach the statute book.
有跡象表明那項法案將被收進法令全書。The statute is hardly a masterpiece of insightful policymaking or incisive drafting.
這個法案幾乎不算一個有見識的杰作,也算不上是個透徹的草案。In his later years he contributed to reforming statutes.
晚年他致力于法的修訂工作。 The criminal statutes define the acts that are felonies and misdemeanors.
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