發布時間:2022-02-26 14:08:50來源:勵普教育
Don't open the door是什么意思?Don't open the door的意思是不要打開門!從小家長和老師就教育我們,不要給陌生人開門,因為很危險。
Don't open the door
Don't open the door例句
1. Don't open the door to strangers; it's not safe.
不要給陌生人開門, 那很危險.
2. Don't open the door while the train is in motion.
3. Don't open the door, no matter who calls!
不管誰叫門, 都不要開!
4. Don't open the door no matter who knocks.
5. Don't open the door, no matter who comes.
6. Mother Rabbit: You all stay at home, Don't open the door!
兔媽媽: 你們都呆在家里, 不要開門!
7. If you don't open the door, what animal can you ask for help?
如果你不能夠開門, 你能向什么動物求助?
8. They don't open the door to conscious awareness. They fail attention of your prospective customer.
要令目標客戶對廣告留下印象, 就一定要打開這道通自覺意識的門.
9. Don't touch the door; the paint is wet.
別碰這門, 油漆未干.
10. I can't open the door because I have nothing on.
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