發布時間:2022-06-27 16:43:46來源:勵普網
the way to success,它的中文翻譯為通往成功的道路,若是圍繞著它進行英語對話會怎么樣呢?面就由為大家帶來the way to success英語情景對話,希望大家能有所收獲。
A: I’m a reporter from XX Daily, as you know, the job market is getting tougher and tougher now, but you have got a good position in Microsoft China when facing a lost of competitors with several years working experience. How do you think an interview’s importance?
B: Sure. As a well-known fact, the "job for life" is gone - the world is changing so fast, which results in the job market getting increasingly competitive. Most people will need to change jobs at least every few years or so. So you can"t get hired without shining at the interview. And as well, your earnings will be dictated by how well you perform!
A: But in fact, how to do well in an interview seems a quite difficult thing for a lot fresh graduates. Then what’s your open sesame(訣竅) for your own success?
B: Well, doing well in an interview can be easy if you understand how to prepare and know what to expect! It"s crucial to prepare properly for a job before the interview.
A: That’s true. Precautions avert perils. Could you please explain it in detail?
B: Yeah, of course. First of all, you should feel supremely confident in all situations! As you know, there’s no recruiter would like to hire a person without confidence when facing problems. Second, you should prepare for answering frequently-asked questions. The last but it’s no less important, you’d have to train yourself what to say to the tricky questions.
A: Right, I can’t agree with you more. But you know, a lot of job-seeker who can’t make it finally even they think they’ve performed well in an interview, do you think what the root cause is?
B: Interview success does not just about know the questions. It"s also about what is behind the question. For example, what do you think they are getting at when they say: "Tell me about a typical week?" Are they just interested in what you do, or is there
something else behind the question? Surely they want to know something about you characters. You should convince them that you’re a responsible person instead of your carelessness.
A: Terrific, that’s exactly true. Thank you very much for your kindness to share your valuable experience in job-seeking. But for the sake of our interview time, I’d have to give it to and end now. After all, I suppose all the readers will appreciate for your help. Wish you a brilliant future in Microsoft!
B: I’m very glad to do that and you’re welcome. After all, thank you for your best wishes.
You’ve just walked into the office of hot prospect for your first face-to-face sales call. You shake hands and you both sit down. What’s the smartest way to start out the conversation:
ICEBREAKER #1: Compliment something in the prospect"s office, such as the family photo, the motivational poster on the wall, the view out the window, etc.
破冰方式 #1:稱贊一下對方辦公室里的某樣東西,比如家庭照片、墻上的勵志海報以及窗外的景色。
ICEBREAKER #2: Make a reference to something in the news, like a big win by a local sports team or a major world event.
破冰方式 #2:對新聞發表一些看法,比如當地運動隊的一場大勝或者世界上發生的大事。
ICEBREAKER #3: Make a remark that lets the prospect know that you have put some thought into the prospect and the prospect"s firm.
破冰方式 #3:發表一些評論令對方知道你對他和他的公司有一點想法。 If you answered #3, you’re absolutely right.
假如你認為破冰方式 #3是最聰明的打破僵局的方式,那你就答對了。
1.The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life, if you don’t, life controls you. —— Anthony Robbin
2.Success is not measured by position you reach in life, it’s measured by obstacles you overcome.
—— Booker.T.Washington
3.Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.
—— George.S.Patton
4.The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. ——Og Mandino
5.The world won"t care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. ——Bill Gates
6.Victory and tears. This is life. —— Balzac
7.There is no fruit which is not bitter before it is ripe.
——Publilius Syrus
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