發布時間:2022-11-07 08:19:08來源:勵普教育綜合
課程特點:識記雅思聽力考試核心場景詞匯,聽力基本聽辨音及語感培養;針對雅思閱讀的 常見題型,詳細分析各出題特點;注重閱讀能力的提高;精講Part1考試題和選考題,并補充語料庫和話題詞匯以及相關得分句型;了解雅思考試大小作文考查形式、要求及評分標準。
線圖 2022.10.29真題
The graph below shows the number of days spent on making a new car in four companies from 1998 to 2006.
The line graph illustrates the changes in the time consumed in the process of manufacturing a new car in four companies between 1998 and 2006.
[首段寫作注意:1. 突出線圖的“變化”; 2. 詞匯替換]
BMW is most noteworthy, as there was a distinct trend. Despite a slight dip between 2000 and 2002, the days allotted in the whole production soared to 45 days in 2006, 20 days longer than that in 1998.
[主體段 1: 1. 數據分組 1: BMW: 一個用時減少的公司; 2. 詞匯使用—程度修飾詞+“描述變化”的動詞/名詞; 3. 從句使用]
By contrast, the remaining three companies, Toyota, Ford and VW, all improved the efficiency in car manufacturing, represented by several declines in the manufacturing time. To specify, similar development could be found in both Ford and VW, whose consumption of time dropped consistently from 50 days to 35 days and from 36 days to 18 days respectively before remaining stable between 2004 and 2006. In addition, as for Toyota, although the period of 1998 to 2002 witnessed its 6-day marginal growth, the figure fell to 30 days afterwards, echoing that for Ford between 2002 and 2004.
[主體段2: 1. 數據分組 2: Toyota, Ford, VW: 用時增長的三個公司;同時,細化對比三個公司的工時;2. 詞匯使用—程度修飾詞+動詞;3. 伴隨狀語(V-ing和V-ed形式)+從句使用]
Overall, the time of new car production varied from company to company and from year to year.
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