2023-07-25 10:43:51來源:勵普網
To take the place of,especially by force;supplant.
取代取代,尤指使用武力;代替To take the place of;supplant.
取代…的位置;替代Jet planes have displaced propeller ones
噴氣式飛機取代了螺旋槳飛機。Steam trains gave way to electric trains.
蒸汽火車被電氣火車取代了。 The duke plotted to supplant the king.
公爵陰謀取代國王的地位。Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.
國產零件取代進口零件。 Another person supervened her recently.
近期又有其他人取代了他。The act of ejecting,forcing out,or supplanting.
驅逐驅逐、趕走或取代的行為HbS (sickle-cell Hb): substitutes a Val for a Glu on the surface。
分子表面的一個Glu被一個Val取代。The barren landscape has given way to green vegetation
n. 代用品,代替者,替補隊員
v. 替代
a substitute; a substitution; a replacement
代替物 horn substitute
角質物 He substituted cunning for their simplicity.
v. 取代,代替;替換,更換;把…放回原位
Insertion and replacement
插入和替換 She replaced the receiver.
她將聽筒放了回去。a substitute; a substitution; a replacement
v. 取代
No man could supplant him.
沒有人能夠代替他。He may be supplanted by a younger man.
他可能會被一個年齡比他小的人取代。The act of ejecting,forcing out,or supplanting.
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