發布時間:2022-07-14 17:08:39來源:勵普網
關于出臺政策的英文及例句; 為了民生大計,不斷地有新的政策出臺,那么你知道出臺政策的英文怎么說嗎?
introduce policies
China"s property stocks have fallen following the government"s policies.
The plunge in China"s stockmarket has made any policy that would encouragecapital outflows politically untenable.
Some cities, such as Beijing, have introduced policies that could entrench thehukou system and all the prejudices that go with it.
There appears a widely held belief that a change in government policy canquickly give the property market new legs.
So far, 13 local governments have rolled out policies to restrict the number ofhomes that a family can purchase.
China has policies that force residential buyers to have enough cash in hand (30% for your first home and 50% for your second) to minimize leverage and risk.
Consider it a sign of the times, or even just success that Twitter now has a policyin place to handle ownership of a user"s account once they"ve died.
The government, meanwhile, needs to offer incentives for its citizens to consumemore as they get older.
Defenders of the status quo at newspapers, book publishers and the magazineindustry are in a panic. Some are even misguidedly asking for governmentregulation or a bailout.
But despite those remarks and the public debate that came later, Chinese leadershave not explicitly come out with a policy statement describing the South China Sea as such — nor have they denied it.
Some are even misguidedly asking for government regulation or a bailout.
A succession of measures have been introduced to subdue speculative buyingand force developers to increase the supply of homes.
The government has expressed concerns that too many men could lead to socialinstability and is expanding programmes that encourage people to have female children.
A few years later the government made it attractive for companies to hire youngpeople fresh out of school, but in the days that I was looking for a job there wasn"tanything yet.
不過反對聲是明顯的 , 一位市民說:“這對養狗的人來說極不公平,也極不尊重生命。” “相關部門應該出臺政策引導管理寵物的人士,而不是簡單粗暴的禁狗。”
"The appropriate departments should introduce detailed regulations to guideresidents in keeping dogs and grant them certificates, instead of simply banningdogs, " he added.
Some local governments have taken matters into their own hands.
Goldman analysts downgraded the region in November because of significant stock run-ups, signs of speculation and possible policy tightening to curb inflation.
Policy must help to achieve this.
Second, policies need to tackle both supply and demand.
Policies lure talents from abroad.
Some companies even have policies forbidding interns to blog, tweet or discuss the company online.
These new opportunities are a result of central government policies aimed at promoting inland development to reduce the income gap with rich coastal regions.
In the wake of the economic recovery, China has tried to limit new credit issued by banks and introduced measures to discourage speculation in the property sector.
Emerging economies must work to develop deeper and more stable financial markets to develop local savings, while mature economies should introduce policies to spur household saving ( or at least less borrowing).
他的非洲治理促進會(governance initiative)是一個廣受贊譽的項目,幫助塞拉利昂和盧旺達兩國總統出臺政策和吸引外資。
His governance initiative is a well-regarded project that helps the presidents of Sierra Leone and Rwanda deliver policy and attract foreign investment.
But I believe the highest-leverage work that governments can do is to set policy to create market incentives for business activity that improves the lives of the poor.
Noxious air in many parts of China has become a political liability that Beijing has sought to counter with policies aimed at reducing industrial and vehicle emissions in the most populous and prosperous centres.
The collapse of public confidence in the City following the financial crisis has meanwhile been channelled by Labour into policies characterised by critics as hostile to business.
There is still no sign that the agriculture ministry is prepared to quickly pave the way for high-yield homegrown GMO maize.
Casino share prices have surged in trading today, after the People"s Bank of China moved to ease loan-to-deposit limits for Chinese banks on Monday.
And stakeholders trumpet scare scenarios, magnifying rival differences into gaping chasms, to mobilize patriotic sentiments for funding and policies.
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