發布時間:2022-07-04 16:16:23來源:勵普網
The front of the postcard shows a picture of our hotel.
Put the statue so that the front faces the light.
The front of the building was covered with ivy.
The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.
That morning we received a report from the front.
after,at the back of
after 和behind用來表地點時,前者強調的是順序的先后,而后者側重方向和位置的前后關系。請比較:The student sat after me.那個學生坐在我后面。(我坐在他前面)。The student sat behind me.那學生坐在我背后。after與behind用于指時間時,前者強調時間的先后順序,而后者則著重于表示“落后……”或“遲于……”的概念。試比較:Who ruled after James I?詹姆斯一世之后是誰統治的?You are forty minutes behind sch
at the back of 這個前置詞短語既可指具體的位置的先后,又可用于指抽象的概念。
Who is the girl standing behind Richard?
The train was 10 minutes behind time.
Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technologies.
Behind your every action is self-interest.
The police were hard behind the escapees.
He caught up with the parade and walked behind.
The lights of the city were left behind us soon as we drove along the street.
They talked against her behind her back. 他們在背后說她的壞話。
She peered at the neighbors from behind the curtain. 她從簾子后面凝視著鄰居們。
She saw the man from the rear-vision mirror who followed her was standingbehind a phone booth. 她從后視鏡中看到,那個跟蹤她的人正站在一個公用電話亭的后面。
The lame child lagged far behind. 那個跛足的孩子遠遠掉在后面。
On the third lap he left the other runners far behind. 跑到第三圈,他已經把別人遠遠地拋在后面了。
He sat behind me. 他坐在我后面。
She stole up behind me and got me down on the floor. 她偷偷走到我的身后并把我摔到在地板上。
Who"s behind this program? 誰支持這項計劃?
Congress is behind the plan. (美)國會支持此項計劃。
I saw him padlock the rickety door behind us. 我見他在我們背后把搖搖晃晃的門鎖上了。
A ragged man emerged from behind the tree. 一個衣衫襤褸的男人從樹后面走出來。
Other students rushed out of the classroom, but she kept behind. 其他同學都沖出了教室,但她留在了后面。
The barkeeper cold-cocked the drunk from behind and the bouncer carried himout. 酒吧店主從背后將醉漢打昏后,酒店保鏢把他抬了出去。
The lame child lagged far behind. 那個跛足的孩子遠遠落在后面。
There"s something behind this news. 這消息背后別有文章。
The land behind our house was confiscated by the government. 我們房子后面的土地被政府征用了。
When I got out of the room, the door snapped close behind me. 我剛走出屋門,門就啪嗒一聲在我身后關上了。
He duffed the golf ball because the club stroke the ground behind the ball beforehitting it. 因為擊球前球桿觸了球后面的地,所以他未擊中高爾夫球。
His stone didn"t throw at me but starred the glass behind me. 他的石頭沒有打中我,卻把我身后的玻璃炸開了花。
The girl was tired and lagged behind us, so we had to stop to wait for her. 女孩很累,落在了我們后面,所以我們只好停下來等她。
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