發布時間:2022-07-14 16:53:16來源:勵普網
那么博客的英文是什么呢? 有一段時間,博客可謂是風靡全球,很是火爆,很多人都有自己的博客。?
微博客 microblogging ; MicroBlog ; Twitter ; Tumblr
微型博客 Microblog ; micro-bloging ; Twitter ; Tweets
博客中國 BlogChina ; Bokee ; Blogcn ; http//blog.blogchina.com
博客信息 Blog Info ; Stats ; Blog User ; show_newmessage Blog Info
博客圈 blogosphere ; Blogroll ; blogsphere
科技博客 TechCrunch ; Techland ; The Next Web ; The Verge
博客網站 WordPress ; simple blog website ; blog site ; Blogspot
博客生活 Blog Life
博客作弊 spamblog
1. Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points.
2. We should avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs.
3. Egalement, les blogs. L à encore , c"est du fran ? ais contemporain.
看博客也很有幫助. 因為那也是現代的法語.
4. Assuming one blog per person, this comes to 8 m US blogs alone.
5. People go to blogs to read AND write, not just consume.
人們到博客上讀寫文章, 不只是浪費時間.
6. Many advocated for the passage of the property law on blogs.
7. If you want to feel blue , go over and visIt"sun"s blogs.
如果希望無精打采, 就去訪問瀏覽.
8. That is likely to make their blogs more popular.
9. This thesis reports a case of using blogs in curriculum and instruction.
10. To what purpose am writing all these blogs. Especially those photographic journals.
什么目的我寫著所有這些博客. 特別是那些攝影學報.
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